Science Phenomenon

We are literally surrounded by science on a daily basis.  However, science and its important processes are often taken for granted.  The leaves turning colors in the fall, what makes "us" anatomy, our physiological structure and how it works, medicine working in the body, enzymes, proteins, temperatures, seasons, biomes, environments, and many more topics tend to be looked over because they occur on a regular basis or are simply "there", such as your environment.  My goal as a future biology teacher will be to expand young adults' knowledge on these topics and others and get them excited about it!  Science is a marvelous subject with topics that are always changing, so go ahead, explore!  Here's a periodic table that lets you explore and get to know the elements.

This website above has a lot of great interactive games for groups of all ages.  Dozens of different topics are covered and they are done so in a game like fashion to make learning fun!



There are so many neat things that happen in science that it would be hard to talk about or show clips of them all.  Below are some links to a couple of videos that involve Earth Science and deal with cool science phenomenon.

This video offers an explanation of Solar Eclipses, how they happen and why they don't happen more often.

This video is footage from a volcanic eruption in Hawaii.